At we provide free access to some courses and require a membership to view certain blog posts, courses and the free content. As you begin to explore, create a new account by following the process indicated below.
Create a New Account Manually to Learn Teamcenter and Active Workspace
Access the website in a web browser.
Click the Log In link located top right of the site.
On the Log In page, click Sign Up.
On the Sign Up page, select Sign up with email.
Tip. Optionally use a Google account or Facebook account to login. Only sign up this way if you are using the sight for personal learning. If registering for a company, use the email option and supply the company email address assigned to you.
Enter your Email and Password.
Click the Sign Up button.
You will receive an email to the email address used to login with a confirmation code.
Place the confirmation code into the Enter 6-digit code field.
Click Confirm & Sign Up.
Verify the create account to learn Teamcenter and Active Workspace process is successful by selecting the profile link.
Note. You will receive an automated welcome email when the account is created.